
Good evening, everyone,

I have a quick update here for Serry... She's been feeling the effects of the chemo ever since she had it... it's dropped her white blood cell count, made her not heal from minor issues (no white blood cells = no immune system), etc. She's felt kind of funky over the past week or so - still Serry, but not quite up to snuff.

Here are some numbers for you... (let's hope I Googled some of the right numbers, GRIN) White blood cell counts measure the total number of white blood cells in a microliter of blood, reported as an absolute number of "X" thousands of white blood cells. A normal measure for white blood cell counts would be 4,500 - 10,000 (or, I think, 4.5-10). Serry dropped down to .1 this weekend. Since then, she's been increasing daily... .2 on Sunday, .24 yesterday, and .5 today! Once she gets up to 1.0, they'll start counting her CD34 - that's when they'll know when they can start harvesting her stem cells.

Serry wanted me to make sure I left you all a note directly from her, too. :) I love this part. Serry said (it's not verbatim, but it's close):

"Make sure you tell everyone how much I enjoy their words of encouragement. They are a great source of strength and joy. I read and re-read them... no matter what people write, I really appreciate that they write and how much they care."


Jenni said...

Come on, 1.0!!! Woo hoo, Serry's white blood cells! I wanna, like, make up a white blood cell cheer.

Brett said...

Serry, I just want to let you know how awesome you are. You are a true testament to how strong a person can be when faced with a harsh situation. I think of the issues you face on a daily basis, all with a glowing smile on your face, and it makes me happy.

And to Emily and Serry--you guys were amazing babysitters. Stay focused and strong.

Brett Cihon

PS- I check this blog daily.

Jenni said...

Serry, I for got to post this last night:
Yesterday in my preaching class we prayed for you. Dr. Watson prayed this: that in your valley a lily would grow, a lily with fragrance and color...a moment of grace, a bit of heaven for you.
You are being prayed for and remembered all over the country.

Ann-WSU said...

I'm so glad your WBC count is increasing, Serry! And I love the pictures of you on your blog. I'm so happy to see your same smile, and in spite of it all, happy eyes! I can only imagine how rough it is to spend so much time in the hospital being poked, prodded, radiated and chemo'd!

I'm missing you much, and I think the place is really falling apart! No one can figure out how to share a calendar you made for our conference room scheduling! I know, we're all losers! Tried to dump it on Jesse, then he left! I think Tyson is now tearing his hair out.

It's cold and sunny here today on the Palouse, so I'm sending cold, sunny thoughts along with warm fuzzies!

Smiles, Ann

Brittany said...

I felt the same way as Jenni did....

Serry 1.0
Serry 1.0
You can do it
GO Go Go!!

Ok so it isn't brilliant but I think it's catchy!

We are always thinking and praying for you! Thanks for the updates.

Anonymous said...

Hi Serry,
I check your blog daily and pray for you daily, but don't usually comment. Just wanted to leave a note of encouragement and tell you that I agree with your Mom -- you are beautiful bald. Hang in there.
Love from your distant cousin in KY,
Kim Doss

Anonymous said...

Hey Serry, Just thinking of you and your bright spirit and smile. I know this week was an important one and am anxious to see how things went. We are praying for your count to go up. Major and I wanted to come and see you today but I woke up with a cold and don't want to pass it onto you. I hope you are enjoying the sun and rest. We love you, The Downings

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