
The one thing (and pretty much ONLY thing) that I like about this whole situation with Serry is that it's proving just how many people care about her! I mean--you are all HER friends, FAMILY friends, some friends that we've never met in person, even! I think that's pretty amazing.

Hi everyone, Emily here again. I apologize for the long silence... but here I am! It's time for me to catch you up...

Because Serry's numbers weren't increasing with the stem cell harvesting, they stopped the harvesting process. As Serry said, her "bone marrow was tired and there was too little to harvest." So, instead of doing harvesting this past week, they've been making sure she's taken care of in other areas... fluids, tubes and gadgets, etc. This weekend she was able to stay home and rest... eating Jell-O and watching Dog Town on National Geographic.

I would love to tell you the exact plans for the next few weeks, but I'm not quite sure myself. I think they involve people like home care nurses and nutritionists, and last I heard chemo was supposed to start around the 19th... but a different kind of chemo that they had originally planned on. I learned that the radiation is still working on her - it takes about 60 days after the last treatment to finish--which means that it should be done affecting her in the next week or two.

I'm sorry I don't have many specifics, but I think we're all just taking things as they come - kind of what you have to do in this situation! :) Serry is strong, she's uber cool, and soon she'll be DONE with this. I know we're ALL looking forward to that day.

Signing out with some loves from our old dogger... We miss you, girl!


Anonymous said...


what a wonderful sister, you have. emily is so good updating your progress. and i know gentry is lovin' on you lots, too.

take care, and we are thinking of you.
xoxo The OKeefes

Anonymous said...

Serry, we love ya! I look forward to the day when we can scoop you up and take you to the ocean for a few days.

Gus says if you need some sloppy kisses, just call. He'll come over!

Love, Bob and Eileen

Sheila Bershatsky (aka: Brooklyn) said...

In spite of the challenging difficulties you have endured, spring is approaching with its blessings of new beginnings. Everyone who knows you and even people who have yet to meet you are wishing you back to health. You are an awe-inspiring woman. Continue to summon the strength and courage to trek into the vision of hope that is tomorrow.

With love and admiration. Your friend, Sheila

Jenni said...

Kudos, Em, for keeping us updated.

Serry, rest well.

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