Halfway Done With the Chemo Part...

Good evening, everyone...

Serry went into the hospital on Thursday and had chemo Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday was a day off, with today being her transplant day for stem cells. She had a few low numbers, however (like potassium) so she's staying overnight to make sure that her body gets back on track.

I was able to stop by the hospital on Saturday and play a rousing game of Scrabble with Serry. Between her chemo brain and my trying to sound out letters to invent words, we were quite a pair. I was pretty impressed, though - after several hours of playing and laughing, we ended the game with a lonely "U" left. I've never played that well before! :) It was a good evening for me, and I certainly hope for Serr.

We've been having some wonderful weather here (think 70 degrees!) and from the view in Serry's room she can look out and see the gorgeous blue skies, birds flying around, and, I think, a bit of Lake Washington sparkling in the sunshine. I really hope she's feeling better tomorrow to be able to feel the toasty sunshine. If not, it WILL be summer later. :)

Please keep praying for our Serry. She's doing well, and sure is fighting, but this is hard. She needs all the support we can give her. :)


Jenni said...

Serry, you're doing an amazing job right now. You can do this. You have so many people cheering for you and supporting you, we believe in you!

Hugs from Minnesota,

Sheila Bershatsky (aka: Brooklyn) said...

Hi, Serry:
Your sister’s comment mentioned the birds flying outside your window. I imagine they are graceful and a lot different from the chicken’s my son spoke about this morning. Noah and his family are presently on vacation on the island of Kauai and he told us that there are chickens everywhere. They were brought to the island years ago and have flourished with no natural predators, not even man. It seems their meat is tough and so they are not used as a table item by the locals. Noah said it’s a funny sight to see so many chickens in the wild.
Think happy thoughts and know how much you are loved.

Anonymous said...

Ok so everyone that knows me, knows that I am a terrible reader and an even worse speller!! So I bet even with "chemo brain" you could still woop the snot out of me at a game of Scrable!! Hheee! Anyway, I hope you have a good week and keep kicking cancers butt! Love, Bran

LorieM said...

Serry, the snow is finally melting in Pullman!!! I think the last of the parking lot snow plow piles is gone, but Moscow Mountain and Paradise Ridge still have some white spots. Spring is a little later over here this year, but our daffodils are finally blooming! (Love those spring bulbs.) Hope you're enjoying the nice weather there and I hope it stays nice for a while.

Stay strong and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Hi Serry - Think of you often. I just have been really busy and have not had time to drop you a note. Boy, you have a wonderful family and support team...and if you can keep up with a good game of scrabble- good for you!! Keep the sun shining in the room and enjoy all the vitamin D. We love you are hope you are getting better every day in every way. Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

Hi Serry, Majoy and the gang so I. You are in our prayers as you recover from this round of chem. We love you, your beautiful spirit and smile. "In a little while" this will be better. We love you, The Downings.

Lucas Doelman said...

I am so glad to hear that all is going well for you. May you truly experience the true LOVE of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!!!


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