Tomorrow's the day....
Monday - Wednesday is chemo, then Friday is stem cells and home.... I'm not sure if you all are seeing the picture here... We're talking REMISSION in a matter of weeks.
Let's all give Serry lots of love and hugs and encouragement for the next week. More than you've done all year!!!
Keep the prayers coming for this last round - God is faithful!!
Posted at 5/31/2009 08:50:00 PM | | 6 Comments
Happy Spring!!
Hello everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that round three neutropenia stage is going very well. I haven’t lost my energy as I have in the past two rounds and my counts as of today are beginning to re-assert themselves. I’ll be going in for round four chemo June 1st. I have been doing pretty well over the past few days and have begun to think about life past cancer treatment. I have even begun to casually look for a small house or condo in Pullman! :) It is so exciting to begin thinking of the future! The warmth of spring has begun in earnest over her in Olympia. I am looking forward to going for walks outside when I am stronger.
Take Care all and I hope you have a lovely day,
Posted at 5/18/2009 02:33:00 PM | | 9 Comments
For a change of pace...
Hello all,
This marks the first time I have posted on my blog! I wanted to give Emily a break and let you know how things are going for a change since I am feeling good and able. She has done such a doggedly cheerful good job keeping everyone informed and I greatly appreciate it. Thanks Em!
Here is the update:
I became an inpatient at the hospital for the eighth time for the third round of chemo Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with re-infusion of my stem cells on Friday. Everything went smoothly and my body luckily didn’t have any unforeseen reactions. The chemo this time was reduced 10% since round two chemo was pretty hard on the old body. I was ecstatic to come home Friday evening and enjoy the beautiful spring atmosphere (what wonderfully greenery and colorful blossoms!).
The next week and a half I will become neutropenic, meaning my remaining red and white blood cells and platelets will naturally age and die, causing the counts of each to go down. The chemo killed off production & hope of replenishment of these critical cells when it hit the bone marrow. Luckily the stem cells I received on Friday will, over the coming days, mature into these three cells as my body needs them, thus I am ‘rescued by my stem cells!’ This ‘rescue’ is a great artificial means of jump-starting my recovery. As of today I have no white blood cells (for fighting infection) and will be getting platelet and red blood infusions in the next few days. This has all been a fascinating learning process and is normal for the special protocol of chemo (St. Jude’s Protocol) that I am receiving. One interesting side note is that to my Doctor’s knowledge, only 6 to 19 year olds have completed this protocol successfully, and here I am at 30!
I am at home right now and very happy to be here. I will be so exhausted soon that I will barely be able to walk, but I couldn’t be more content to be home on the family farm – it is a calm place for healing and simple joys. If all goes well I hope to start the fourth and final round of chemo at the beginning on June! WoooHooo! :)
Before I go, I must tell you all that from the beginning of this I have drawn great strength and inspiration from your comments. No matter how hard it gets, I still read and re-read your comments and manage to smile and take a heartened breath. I can feel your hope, love and strength through your words and it means the world to me. From my heart, thank you.Here is a picture of my Mom yesterday after she got her braces off holding her congratulatory bottle of sparkling cider. What a great smile!! She is with me at every step, every day and she is my Mamma Bear, my pharmacist, my motivator, my supporter, my watchdog and yes this is cheesy, my hero. Love ya Mom and Happy Mother’s Day!
I hope that you are well and that you will have a chance to enjoy this budding spring.
Take Care,
Posted at 5/12/2009 05:09:00 PM | | 8 Comments
Fishing Queen!
Of course some of you want to know what she caught... I don't know all the specifics, but, besides all the ones they released, she brought home 16 and 17 inch Rainbow Trouts! Here's the hunter with her catch...
I LOVE this picture. All she needs is someone feeding her grapes and some palm fronds waving at her to cool her off.
I heard stories from both her and Dad about the day... it simply sounds so HAPPY. I'm really grateful that they got to have such a wonderful time!!
Today was Serry's last day of "vacation." Tomorrow she heads back up to the hospital for round 3 of chemo. Please pray for everything to go better than it ever has. Everyone is watching more and more closely each time--there are a lot of things to monitor. We need healthy kidneys, salt and potassium levels up, blood, platelets, and everything else that can be "counted" need to not drop too far.
Each time gets more difficult... We've only got two left--two more months of this and then she DONE with treatment and on to recovery. Please keep her in prayer; and drop her a note of encouragement on here. I know it's tough to go into each one of these sessions.
Posted at 5/02/2009 08:51:00 PM | | 11 Comments