Life in December
Let's just say that life in December has been adventurous for all of us... There's been a lot going on with family and memories and such--it really makes me grateful for everything I have. With all of these things happening, I'm so glad to report some good news.
As you know, Serry escaped from the hospital late last week. She is now home and resting... it took her some time to get to that point, but we're seeing small victories! Her nausea seems to have substantially decreased--WOOT! (this is HUGE :)). While she does have a feeding tube (when she's all healed from this, have her explain it to you), something remarkable happened at dinner last night. While we were sucking up our spaghetti.... Serry grabbed a spoon and ate a bit of chicken broth! Yeah buddy! This is a really big deal--if you'll count back with me a bit, it's been about a month since she's last eaten. I asked her how "Taste" was and she just replied, "Not the same..." I'm sure that'll come back. Our goal is pizza by Christmas Eve. :)
It looks like we're still on with the stem cell harvesting. We'll know more on Thursday--after her next doctor's appointment. Personally, I'm hoping that she won't be being harvested (that sounds so funny!) over Christmas--I want her HOME on Christmas Eve. BUT--it's definitely not up to me!
Some specific prayers:
* Pizza by Christmas Eve :)
* Continued healing and rest (in general)
* That she's able to start the stem cell harvesting sooner than the doctors had anticipated (so as to have more restful time at HOME over Christmas-time)
* That the doctors can get all of the cells they need (safely!) in a short amount of time (they say it's up to 10 days, but some people can do it in less)
* Serry's esophagous continues to heal
* Peace would abound in our family
* Mama Bear would be rested (we're dealing with multiple people who aren't up to snuff right now)
I'm not really sure how to sign off tonight, so I'll leave you with these two thoughts... This photo is dedicated to our grandmothers--one we knew well, the other we have yet to meet. You were (and still are) loved dearly.
This is simply to make us smile (and Serry most of all). Yes, Serr... I'm sure it was YOUR idea to get in the tree. Otherwise I wouldn't be hanging on for dear life. ;) (in the coolest shades in the WORLD.)Good night, all... and check out the video below.
hi Serry, Im so glad to hear you are home and feeling a little better each day! I don't ever remember praying for pizza, but for you I will pray for pizza for christmas!! Give your mom a big hug for us and have her give you one! We no longer have any cows, just an ole cat, a minature horse ( belongs to the grandkids) names Ney ney! and 14 hens all with guy names!! We think of you all often. much love Judy and Dave
Hi Serry- I am glad to hear that you are home--rest up for that pizza. I think of you often. Take care--Stacy Bacon
Serry... I don't think anyone can really appreciate the inability to eat by mouth unless they have seen it or experienced it first hand. Literally. I have been through it with my son, so many times, and most recently it was three full days and pure hell to watch him go through. So I sympathize, and as I said in my last post, I am wishing for you cocoa or tea or whatever it is you'd like a nice mug of, as soon as possible. Pizza would be wonderful too, but sometimes small victories are just as important as the big ones. Christmas is two weeks from today, and I will be checking the blog as often as I can to see how you are doing!! I am HOPING HOPING HOPING that you just feel better and better and better, and getting enough rest and love and hugs and everything else you need. *SQUISH* (Consider yourself hugged!)
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