She's out!

Quick post because I'm tired!

I just learned that Serry is out of the hospital and at her dad's tonight!


Unknown said...

YAY!!! I'm *so* happy to hear that!!! *bounces*

Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD! Serry, I am so happy that you have been released! I'm sure your not feeling up to par, but I am thrilled your MRI came back with such good news. Hang in there girl, we are all praying for you!

LorieM said...

Again, wonderful news. Thanks for keeping us informed. Serry, have a great holiday with your family! Lorie

Anonymous said...

GO AWAY, LITTLE BUGGERS, GO GO GO GO GO!!!! We will all WILL them away with our superstrong minds! 'Tis the season for miracles, right? Bring it on. I hope for several things for you, Miss Serry Lee... Number One, the ability to have a nice hot cider, cocoa, tea or whatnot and ENJOY it by Christmas Eve. Number Two, more time at home than in the hospital between now and Christmas. Number Three, nothing but good news and feeling a little bit better everyday until the New Year, and to be CANCER FREE by then. Is there anything you want for Christmas, by the way, my dear?????

Sending you LOTS of love!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Serry, Rena here. Tom and I were both so very happy to hear about your leaps and bounds of progress. Wednesday, Emily was fit to be tied- having three people in the hospital. I took it upon myself to smear black ink in circles on my lips, got it all over my hands, and my shirt. It entertained Emily and the whole office. I realized, at one point that my friends and co-workers were not really laughing with me, rather they were laughing at me. Didn't feel so bad though knowing, if it were them looking like a clown with black polka dot lips, I would laugh at them. Well, you probably heard that story already. I'd like to say I planned the exibition to lighten up the mood. Fact is though, I was really concentrating on my work when it happened. Moral of the story, we all need to loosen up a bit some times so we can enjoy life. So, since I apparently put a few people to tears just because I gave you a heartfelt, truly and honestly good wish for Thanksgiving which was probably a little too deep for a first email. I determined I'm going to keep it lighter (until Christmas). My story today about black ink will be followed with different stories in which I am probably the dumb character doing something stupid. Maybe I can make you laugh through this whole process. My excuse as I write multiple emails with dumb tails will be that I was dropped on my head as a child. It’s the truth, a fact, and I'm sticking to it. Later Gater, Your New Friend Rena

Anonymous said...

Serry, we were going to wait till tomorrow and write you again. We just couldn't wait. Read that you were released to go home for a bit. It's all about you and that's awesome.... Rena & Tom

Unknown said...

We went to Mark n Carols yesterday to get a tree... OMG Major is *so* big! I got to see Christina (who I don't think I've seen since I was 20) Then stopped by Mom's to say hi. I sent huge hugs and loves as I went by Z. Lane. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinkin of you!

Jenni said...

Serry, I'm so glad to hear that you're home from the hospital. Rest well.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that things are looking up with the good news from MRI and you being home from the hospital. We are still thinking about you often and send you a big cyber hug from your Hansen family here in Iowa. Take care Serry! We hope you can enjoy the holiday season with family and friends both there and around the country who are thinking of you all.
Brock & Michelle Hansen and family

Anonymous said...

Serry so glad to hear that your treatments have been successful! That is wonderful news....think of you often and miss you here at the CB!


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