One Step at a Time...

Hello everyone,

Thank you so very much for all of your positive thoughts and prayers. I have drawn on your comments and posts over the past few weeks to help keep me positive, focused and feeling completely loved!

Its funny how I’ve gone through life knowing that I have good friends and family, but it wasn’t till this that I have been able to truly appreciate how special those relationships are. Thank you for your words of encouragement and for the occasional weather report J

Before I say anymore, I have to bow down and give MAD PROPS to Emily for taking on the role of communications master for my blog. Without her help I would have been overwhelmed immediately by trying to respond to everyone. She does an excellent job of managing and disseminating info and I greatly appreciate it.

~~Thanks Em~~

This has been the first week of Monday through Friday out-patient radiation and so far it has been going well. I have weekly chemo every Thursday after which I meet with my Radiation Oncologist, Medical Oncologist and Neural Oncologist.

The pain and numbness that was rapidly advancing across the left side of my face has been retreating daily for about a week now and still shrinking. It is amazing to me that the radiation treatments are so obviously nipping the tumor in the bud! My back and leg pain have also been reducing and increasing in function – My big thing today was walking for short periods without my walker!! This is a huge improvement since this time last week, I could walk 100 feet (w/ walker) and only do three stairs!!!

Thursday will be long and exhausting, but I will have family to help take care of me and let me sleep between treatments, etc. My spirits are high, though oftentimes sleepy. I look at this whole thing as a marathon or like climbing a mountain. It certainly won’t be easy, but one step, one foot in front of the other and we’ll get through it.

Thank You All and Take Care


nujoud said...

Emily is doing an excellent job on the blog, but it sure is nice to get a post from the woman herself! Glad to hear you are getting better everyday! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Serry, I am inspired by your strength. I love the blog, being able to check in is great and I am so glas that your treatment is making such a differance already! Your right that this is going to be a marathon but as I remember in Cross Country you are quite the runner and you always kept going! So I know you are going to be just fine! Hang in there through today, I am praying for you!
Love ya, Brandie

Emily said...

I love you, Serry... I said it before and I'll say it again:
You're my hero. :)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, young Serry. There's a discernable wave of positive energy emanating your way from the centre of the universe (AKA Pullman).


Anonymous said...

Serry, it's wonderful to hear from you! I must say it's been good to read Emily's blogs to keep us updated as well, but it is good to hear from you. We're all praying for you and sending well-wishes your way. So glad to hear the radiation is working so well. You can't argue with immediate results. I'm also glad you've been able to be home. Nothing like home and family to help the healing. Take care and keep on getting better! Lorie

Sheila Bershatsky (aka: Brooklyn) said...

Serry,Emily has been doing a great job disseminating news but it’s especially nice to hear from you directly and learn that you are experiencing daily improvements. I’m heartened by your progress. I hope today’s treatments went well. Hang in there, and remember to give yourself whatever gifts of time and rest you need to feel better.
Warm regards,

Tyson said...

It is good to hear from you, and especially to hear that the treatment is already having some success. Keep rockin' it Serry! You are in all our thoughts and prayers.

Jesse Todhunter said...

Serry, nice to get an update from you! So glad to hear that the treatments are working and reversing some of the adverse affects; that is wonderful. Things are trucking along here at OT. We miss you here. Neunherz still pulling for Chinese food, though I still don't think we've made it! Continued prayers for you and your progress. Keep us posted and all the best! --Jesse

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Serry, you are so brave. Wow, what a silly sounding statement. Facing what I have been facing the past few months though, I have a decent understanding of what you might be feeling. Strength is beauty, though, and right now you are shining like a star. You are doing so well with this. I have very high hopes and I am here for you whenever you need an ear. And it's okay to gripe about the medical profession... If anybody's been there, it's me and I've got some storied that would knock your socks off!!!! Don't be afraid to speak your mind. And it's okay to complain sometimes, too, I almost feel like you're being entirely too nice about this whole thing! HA! I know you are focused and your family is there for you but seriously, if you need someone 'outside the box' to talk with, you just SAY THE WORD and I will send you my phone number.

Is there anything you need, or would like? Do you have a favorite blanket or mug or slippers or anything? I really want to do something for you and can't think of what!

Keep up the good work, girl, and keep us all posted.


Jessica&Aaron said...

Hey there Boodle,

Glad to hear your doing better. I just found out from Dar and want to send you all the good thoughts and wishes to get better.

I miss the seasons there but not missing the that its 70 degrees in the shade here :). Just think, I gave up COWS and wide open spaces for, loud people and TRAFFIC. ;)

Well...I guess I gotta get back to workin.


Aaron and Jessica

Ann-WSU said...

Good Afternoon from Pullman, Serry! It's Monday, and another sunny fall day here on the Palouse. I can't believe I had to draw my blinds, because the sun coming in was too hot! I hope week 2 of your treatments led to another weekend at home to recharge for round 3! I'm so happy you were able to post last week, and that your treatments are giving you some positive results! Here's hoping your walker will soon be a thing of the past, and that flashing your beautiful smile will never cause you pain again! Warm fuzzy hugs, Ann

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