Quick Midnight Update

I just got home from a visit with Serry... let me tell you--it felt SO good to hug her and know she's REAL again. :) We have updates to share, but it's far too late for me to wax on about life... so this is just a taste--I will update tomorrow.

For now... Serry can use prayers and warm fuzzies and LOTS of love posted here. If you've already posted, you don't have to be shy about re-posting. ;) I heard from the horse's mouth (sorry, Serr... I just called you a horse) that she LOVES reading your comments and messages. Thank you all for loving on my sister.

More tomorrow.


LorieM said...

Emily, thank you for keeping us updated while Serry is otherwise occupied. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you, Serry.

Serry, you're missing the very start of what feels like real winter here. We had a freeze the night before last and south of Lewiston got snow last night. Time for the heavier coats. Brrrgh!

Take care of yourself. Think happy thoughts. We've got to go white water rafting again. Now that was a truly fun trip. I'll never think of rebooting my computer the same way again after the four of us talked on the way home! Healthy thoughts your way. my friend.


Jenni said...

Serry my dear,
Lots of love from Minnesota. (no snow yet, but I'll send some of that when I get it.)

Anonymous said...

From your "Extended IOWA Family" (Grace's aunt, uncle and cousins):

First, THANK YOU EMILY for these blog updates! Please know how important what you are doing is to those of us so far from WA.

We send out LOVE to you and your family every day.
We send our HOPE that you will soon find the answers to all of the questions and concerns you all have right now.
We send our PRAYERS that all of you will continue to have
strength while facing these challenges together.
We send our THOUGHTS so that you will know that we, in Iowa, are ready to help hold you up in those moments you may feel a little weak.

Uncle Bill & Aunt Lola
Brenda & family
Brad & family
Brock & family
Pam & family

Anonymous said...

Serry, it has been so long since I got to share a clumsy story with you! So, I have a couple for you now, ready? Here goes...

Story #1: I was standing up after class in Wilson 13. Have you ever been in there? In case you haven't I will give you a nice run down of how the room is set up. There are 2 doors leading into this room. each one leads you down a dark tunnel that lasts oh, 20 paces or so (one door on each side of the room). The tunnels bring you to the front of the room. From there you climb up steps that are just wide enough to make it awkward to take each one with just one step. This room seats upwards of 109 people (and of course, there are 109 people in my class). I like to have space so I sit in the back where there is a seat at the end of the row with no chair in front of it. However, this seat also has one of those wonderful steps in front of it. I think you can probably guess where this is going from here:) Yes, I stood up and not realizing how close to the stair I was, basically launched myself into a fall-with-grace-flapping-arms-ankle-twisting-criss-cross interpretive dance to regain balance. Now, I was able to stand back up without completely falling down, but I definitely came close to touching the ground with my face. Yes, and now every time I enter that room I think of my wonderful dance.

Story #2: This one isn't as funny I don't think, but again, it happened because yours truly is a clutz, so I must include it:) I was getting out of a truck after hanging out with a friend one night and her dog was in the truck with us. Trying to get out of the truck quickly so I could shut the door behind me before the dog tried to jump out, I neglected to pay attention to the fact that I have legs. Most people would remember that they possess legs, but me, nope! I jumped out swung around, grabbed my bag and trew the door shut. Then I realized that the lower corner of the door somehow managed to (what seemed like) pass through my knee in order to be shut. I ran up the stairs to my apartment and threw down my bag. I then rolled up my pant leg to see the damage. It looked like some of the initial layers of skin had been breached, but nothing major (no blood), or so I thought. The next moring I woke up to find a deep purple-green-blue-ish bruise the size of a large baby's fist on the lateral side of my right knee, almost in the knee pit. I am happy to say that the swelling involved has decreased, but there is still a nice bruise present. Maybe I should think about tattooing a bruise on my leg somewhere since there always seems to be at least one somewhere.

Now, you know that I prefer humor in any and every situation possible, but on a serious note I want you to know that I am pulling for you. Get better soon so we can have our fun office conversations again!

I will keep you posted on any more clutz developments if it so pleases you, so hang in there!

Best wishes,
Chelsea (who else?!)

Brittany said...

Jenni! Hush about such snow talk!!! Unless, Serry, you are excited for MN snow. Not sure what is different about MN snow. Hmmm. Is there a difference?

Ok I am rambling (FYI: not unlike me to do). It's late here.

Serry, we (my family) think about you everyday - not in a creepy stalker way...but in a friend we've never met but lift up in prayer, kind of way.

Emily - thank you for keeping us in the loop. We really do appreciate it!

Jenni said...

no snow yet.

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