She's escaped!

That's right! At least, that was the plan as I knew it several hours ago.

Serry has been released from the hospital tonight. I haven't talked to her other than through email for about a week, but I hear that she desperately needed a new view. She and Mama Bear are all snuggled up together, outside of the hospital, hopefully getting some fresh air and GOOD sleep. Serry still has one more radiation treatment tomorrow before she can head home for the weekend. Also, I've heard that she's been getting chemo this week, but I'm not exactly sure what's going on with that.

Serry got her first tatoo (that we know of... smile) this week, too. They had to tatoo her to be able to ensure that they do the radiation correctly. Uncle Charlie wanted dragons on her back, while Mama Bear and I voted for milder things like butterflies and ladybugs... unfortunately (or is that fortunately?!), none of us won--apparently they're just little dots to help guide the radiologists. Serry said that someone described them to her as if they're just little blackheads... Great, was my thought. Just what a woman wants--more blackheads.

Tomorrow is the end of week 1 of radiation. Please, please pray that the radiation and chemo are effective, that the cancer is completely killed, that our Serry stays strong (both mentally and physically), and that there aren't any side effects to any of the treatments. It feels like we just started this battle yesterday and that we've been fighting it for a year. It's exhausting--but extremely refreshing for all of us to be able to come here and read all of your love. Thank you.


t. l. said...

alas, i can never visit. i make serry laugh too much. it's been proven. heck, even a phone call would be deadly.

so, i'm gonna save your life, my serry berry, and keep bringing videogames and cheesesteaks to all the questionably good little children of philadelphia.

our long distance hug should arrive soon, and please know that it is filled with love and warmth, especially for you.

nujoud said...

What a relief to hear the treatments seem to be working. It's great news that there is a medical plan for fighting this to go along with the personal will! Keep it up Serry!

Ann-WSU said...

I'm not sure about the West side weather, but today is a perfect day to escape in Pullman! Blue skies, sunshine, GORGEOUS Fall leaves, and it's about 65 degrees! And, of course, crispy, cold nights that are good for fuzzy blankies, popcorn, and visiting friends. I hope you get lots of fresh air and sunshine this weekend, along with fuzzy blankies and visits with friends and family. Sounds like you have a very loving group surrounding you! Love and hugs to you, and all of your family... I'm sure like most families, they just want to fix everything for you, and find it difficult to accept that they can't! My heart is with all of you! Have a rejuvenating weekend... without wearing yourself out! Ann

Anonymous said...

Serry - Word eventually spreads when it is about such a wonderful person! Greetings, prayers, and love from Bismarck, ND. Every once and a while I miss WSU and my favorite people there. I count you as one of the people I care about and wish you strength, courage and endurance to get through the treatments. It's very good to hear about the progress already in week 1.
Here's a peaceful thought for you-- outside my office window this morning, I saw a momma deer and her little fawn. Reading your blog about spending time with your mother and family this weekend, I thought about that parent-child relationship that transcends all living forms. Hope you have a restful and refreshing weekend to recharge for next week.
With love and MUCH prayer - Lisa I.

Jenni said...

I'm SO glad you get to go home! Congrats, you've earned it!

Nicole said...
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Nicole said...

Hi, Serry, this is Nicole from Finance department. It sounds like everything is going really well, hooya! It was very nice in Pullman today. I look forward to seeing you sometime soon with your beautiful smile on your face. Let me know when you are back!!!

Hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

As I type this at almost 7 p.m. on Friday night, Serry and her Mom should almost be home?!

I know Ser will love the next two days of being at home!


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